Specific Coping Strategies for Post-Disaster Stress and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Symptoms

This website is designed to help you with each of the following areas

Positive coping actions are those that help to reduce anxiety, lessen other distressing reactions, and improve the situation in a way that does not harm the survivor further. These types of coping actions improve things not only for today but for the future as well. Positive coping methods include:

Coping with Traumatic Stress

Many trauma experts (Staab, Foa, Friedman) agree that the psychological outcome of our community as a whole will be resilience, not psychopathology. For most survivors, symptoms of fear, anxiety, re-experiencing, urges to avoid, and hyper-arousal, if present, will gradually decrease over time.

Coping Strategies

There are a number of common strategies that individuals utilize when coping with extraordinary stress in their lives. These strategies, while effective at manageable levels of stress, can become unproductive or detrimental when stress reaches overwhelming or traumatic levels. It is important to remember that individuals have their own way of and pace for processing traumatic events such as a disaster, and each individual must listen to and honor his or her own pace and way. It is suggested that survivors monitor their reactions and increase the coping strategies that have worked in other stressful situations. It has also been found believing in yourself and your ability to get through this is very important for recovery.

Research on individuals with positive responses after a traumatic event such as a disaster indicates that their preferred coping mechanisms are to:

The process of converting a highly stressful event into a growth experience has the following characteristics: