My Progress Charts

Based on your answers from the Self Assessment Test, we create graphs that show your levels of coping ability, emotional distress, social support, and depression. We recommend that you take the Self Assessment Test once a week in order to continue tracking your recovery.

It has been more than 7 days since you last took the Self Test! Click here to take it again to continue tracking your progress!

'; } if ($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['lastassessment'] == 0) { echo '
Click here to take your self test to receive personalized feedback!

'; } else { */ ?> '; ?> '; /* echo '

The Self-Test is not designed to diagnose mental health disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder, major depression) and this site is not meant as a replacement for professional counseling services. Therefore, if you are experiencing significant distress and/or problems functioning because of your emotional or psychological condition, it may be time for you to seek an evaluation from a mental health professional. This is especially true if it has been more than 3 months since your trauma and you are not improving or you are getting worse. Visit the Seeking Professional Help destination for more information.

'; */ ?> '; ?> '; /* echo '

The Self-Test is not designed to diagnose mental health disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder, major depression) and this site is not meant as a replacement for professional counseling services. Therefore, if you are experiencing significant distress and/or problems functioning because of your emotional or psychological condition, it may be time for you to seek an evaluation from a mental health professional. This is especially true if it has been more than 3 months since your trauma and you are not improving or you are getting worse. Visit the Seeking Professional Help destination for more information.

'; */ ?>
'; getConfGraph($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['uid']); $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideptsdfeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidesocialfeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidedepressionfeedback'] = true; unset($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideconffeedback']); echo '' . getFeedback(286) . '
"; //$GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideconffeedback'] = true; //getPTSDGraph($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['uid']); $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideconffeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidesocialfeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidedepressionfeedback'] = true; unset($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideptsdfeedback']); echo '' . getFeedback(286) . '
"'; //getConfGraph($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['uid']); $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideconffeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideptsdfeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidedepressionfeedback'] = true; unset($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidesocialfeedback']); echo '' . getFeedback(286) . '
"; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideconffeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hideptsdfeedback'] = true; $GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidesocialfeedback'] = true; unset($GLOBALS['locationinfo']['hidedepressionfeedback']); echo '' . getFeedback(286) . '