Click below to hear some helpful tips on relaxation before you begin the exercises.

Step 1


During a time of extreme uncertainty, it is normal to have physical reactions that include muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, sweatiness, and feeling jittery or on-edge. One way to help yourself if you are feeling tense or overwhelmed is to learn some very simple relaxation or calming skills. In this destination you will learn about three relaxation techniques. We have made this process very easy, simply follow the numbers from 1 to 4 as you go through the module.

Icon to expand textYour relaxation log

The purpose of the Relaxation Log is to help you track your progress as you try out the relaxation exercises. For you to gain greater skills at managing your tension we strongly suggest that you use the log to record your specific training goals (e.g., 3 times a week at 8 p.m.), how the exercises made you feel, and what you liked or disliked as you worked on these skills.

This interactive tool will be placed in the Mastery Tools section of your Travel Log.


Below are audio/video instructions for the three different relaxation techniques. Allow yourself to relax as the narrators walk you through the different techniques. The video and audio instructions will be available from the Mastery Tools section of your Travel Log so you can  access them in the future.