Social Support:

Note: If you are under shelter in-place orders please follow all guidelines concerning at least 6 feet physical distance from anyone beyond your immediate family you are living with.

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In this destination you will:

Click on the next button to get started.

In this module you will be able to create a Social Support Plan, which consists of a list of specific actions you can take during your recovery in order to reach out to others effectively. You will create this plan throughout this module by answering various questions. To update your plan, just change your answers to the questions.

Once you have completed the Social Support destination, both of these interactive tools will be placed in the Mastery Tools section of your Travel Log.

Social Support Plan Button

In this module you will be able to create your own Social Support Map by identifying important people in your life who can support you during your recovery. After answering some question throughout this module, a Social Support Map will be created for you so you can visualize how those people can help you. To update your plan, just change your answers to the questions.

Once you have completed the Social Support destination, both of these interactive tools will be placed in the Mastery Tools section of your Travel Log.

Social Support Map Button